
The Approach

We believe that how we do things is as important as what we do. Failure to follow proven procedures prior-to and during development can only lead to disaster. Shifting schedules and wasted time are just a few of the things that lead to increasing costs and decreasing reliability. That’s why we follow a simple process which allows flexibility, yet provides the discipline necessary when undertaking any solution.

Architectural Design & Data Gathering

During this stage our consultants will be in contact with anyone and everyone who will be affected by the resulting system. Consideration of time-constraints, budgetary limits, and the primary end-users of the system are critical to this phase.

As the picture comes into focus, a framework of the design will be implemented. This may range from the basic structure of a database system, to the look-and-feel of the user interface. It is important to agree upon key components of the system at this point to avoid costly changes and to build sufficient flexibility into the system. This allows the application to readily adapt to the needs of the company at a future date.


Once the specifications have been gathered and agreed upon, implementation can begin. Depending on the task, this may include a prototype to guarantee that the design is moving in the proper direction. Primarily, however, this involves the actual coding, debugging, and testing process.

Acceptance Testing

As the product(s) near the end of the development cycle, a more cooperative relationship is established with the customer. At this point, the system is integrated in a limited fashion into the real-world area in which it will ultimately function.  This is, in fact, just an intensification of the constant evaluation process done by our developers during implementation.

Support & Maintenance

When the final product is delivered to the customer it is accompanied by well-documented source code, and operational documentation for the system. In addition, for a period following the delivery, we will be available to answer any questions about the system, and to provide solutions to any problems that should arise.

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